
The flexibility to cater for your individual needs

All of the advantages and cost saving of an existing software platform plus the customisation you need for your business. Backed up by full time support and ongoing development making it an unbeatable option compared to custom development.

Add the fields you need

Add your own text fields, drop down lists, checkboxes and even file uploads to properties, applicants, vendors, contacts, sales and offers allowing you to cater for absolutely any data you want to store.

Fully customisable templates for everything

Emails, PDF’s and Website templates are all accessible through your account, they are based on standard HTML/CSS and give you full control. Expert support staff are available to help you customise your templates or for the technically inclined, you can do it yourself.

Control what users can see and do

Our flexible roles and permissions system allows you to define exactly what your users can see and what they can do. Adding a step further you can also add scopes to this, such as allowing users to only edit properties in their branch.

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